About the LIC
Who We Are
The Longbranch Improvement Club is the social hub for south Peninsula community, and membership is open to all! Membership in the LIC is a wonderful way to meet neighbors, stay in touch, and contribute to the betterment of our community.
The LIC was formed in 1921 - and we just celebrated our centennial in 2021. For more than one hundred years, the LIC has been serving our community with thousands upon thousands of hours of volunteer enthusiasm.
3rd Wednesday at 6:30pm
Guests and newcomers especially welcome!
Clubhouse Address: 4312 Key Peninsula Hwy SW
Our Core Values

The Longbranch Improvement Club
To foster a sense of community.
Provide an opportunity for the community to meet, interact and work together for mutual benefit.
What We Do
The Longbranch Improvement Club earns its middle name each year anew as its 200+ members provide service, support and leadership to our community. The LIC focuses on the five Strategic Anchors of our organization:
The LIC offers marine facilities to visiting boaters to enhance recreational opportunities in the South Sound area. It has planned investment for improved public safety and recreation facilities at the Marina and is considering the potential expansion of moorage space allowed by its DNR lease and Pierce County.
Moorage income from members and the general public will continue to support the LIC’s activities and public service projects.
Members of the Longbranch Improvement Club meet monthly in the Clubhouse for social and business meetings. The site also hosts many fundraisers, performances, town hall meetings, rummage sales and more.
In addition to hosting countless community events since it was built in 1939, the historic Longbranch Clubhouse is now the premier wedding venue on the Key Peninsula. The rustic charm of the soaring A-frame ceilings and natural stone walls wow the guests while the affordable rental rates are budget-friendly.
As good stewards of our historic Clubhouse, the LIC is raising funds to reroof and restore the building to its original rustic glory. Building renovation will be funded in part by rental income.
Membership in the LIC is the perfect way to connect and get more involved with the South Key Peninsula community. We enjoy monthly gatherings with potlucks to catch up with friends and check in on our goals.
LIC members get all the latest news about events and volunteer opportunities, and even earn a 25% discount on facility rental rates after attending three meetings and volunteering at least 15 hours in one year.
The LIC is built on volunteerism. From setting up tables for events to serving on the Board of Directors, we offer a wide range of volunteer opportunities. A great example is the recent improvement on the LIC’s seven acres of wooded land.
The project, which added a nature walk and retreat for visitors, was designed and the implementation coordinated by Tim Larson as part of his Eagle Scout project. The softball field has also been restored, which was spearheaded by the LIC with muscle and impetus provided by Troop 248 Eagle Scout, Charlie Boyd, as his community service project.

2021 Annual Report