Five-Year Plan Summary
The goal of the 5-Year Plan (the Plan) is for the Longbranch Improvement Club to remain a robust player on the Key Peninsula and to improve the lives of those living here. And while the LIC has traditionally been an organization with a membership that skews older, there is no reason we should not be offering opportunities to younger age groups. This also further ensures the LIC remains a healthy community organization that lives up to its original improvement goals with a robust membership base. Our recent creation of the TGIF social event once a month is a good example of an LIC-sponsored activity that attracts all age groups. As part of this 5-year planning process, the LIC Board went through the last 5-year plan that came out in January of 2015 and made it a priority that many of the goals which had not been met in the last plan be included in this new plan. The last plan specifically mentioned that people from outside the LIC felt the club was too focused on the marina and had a country club mentality. In 2022, these kinds views are even more inaccurate - - and this plan directly aims to change those perceptions. The key takeaways from the LIC 2022 Five-Year Plan are that the board and membership are aiming to make the LIC a much more social organization like it used to be in the past, with a focus on its five key spaces and what those spaces can offer: the forested trails open to the public, the new Centennial Community Garden, our open field, our historic clubhouse, and the marina.
Five-Year Plan Goals

Create fun, desirable and highly utilized community gathering spaces where people feel safe and connected.
GOAL ONE ACTIONS: ->Make the process of renting the clubhouse, the field, or holding an event in the garden or the marina a straightforward, easier process. ->Have the board be open to hosting events we haven’t hosted in the past or offering regular educational events that highlight the skills of our members, like quilting or woodworking. ->Create more members-only events that encourage more people to join the LIC (like Thirsty Thursday, Opening Day and TGIF) where only LIC members and invited guests can attend. ->Ensure a safe and welcoming environment at all LIC events. The LIC board will also swiftly respond to resolve safety issues or conflicts.

Maintain and enhance the LIC's five spaces to support Goal #1.
GOAL TWO ACTIONS: ->Create ongoing maintenance plans for all five spaces. ->Continue pursuing the location of a permanent pumpout station at the marina or a long term agreement with a mobile pumpout solution for Filucy Bay. ->Funding for and execution of DNR Lease requirements, including securing bids and funding for each project. These include: 1. Replacing flotation and decking of B dock and associated finger piers (due 5-31-24). 2. Follow up survey (due 6-30-24). 3. Replace flotation and deck of Dock A between Docks B and C, replace flotation and decking of Dock C, replace pilings with less than 75% remaining life (completed by 7-30-24). 4. If marina expansion is approved, begin all planning for expansion of parking capacity. ->Improve marina security to better ward off unauthorized access. ->Create a list of qualified marina subcontractors when the skills required go beyond that of LIC volunteers. ->Create a list of qualified clubhouse/garden subcontractors when the skills required go beyond that of LIC volunteers. ->Continue the following marina revenue goals: 1. Keep marina operating expenses below 55% of total marina revenue. 2. Keep marina upgrade outflows to no more than 25% of total revenue. 3. Provide LIC general fund up to 20% or more of total revenue. ->Encourage businesses to locate closer to the marina (food trucks, coffee stands, etc.). ->Continue attempts to secure a 25-year DNR lease for the marina and determine what needs to be done to procure this. ->Review rental rates for the clubhouse, the marina, the field and the garden on an annual basis. ->Create a strong subcommittee of volunteers the Buildings & Ground Chair assembles and maintains for ongoing clubhouse maintenance. ->Create a strong subcommittee of volunteers the Garden Chair assembles and maintains for ongoing garden maintenance. ->Complete key garden improvements by summer 2024. ->Roof Replacement: complete the design for replacement of the roof, earthquake retrofit, sprinkler systems and interior upgrades. Secure funding for all upgrades as designed. ->Complete Work on storage container. ->Re-route stream in the forested trails back to its original stream bed.

Better define and reinforce the LIC brand, including The Longbranch Foundation.
GOAL THREE ACTIONS: ->Change the LIC logo to reflect: “Bettering the Community Since 1921” ... or “Furthering the Community Since 1921.” ->Begin marketing the LIC’s five distinct spaces as one GREAT asset to the community – forested walking trails, community garden, the field, the historic clubhouse and the marina. 1. Calling out our stewardship and ownership of the marina for more than 60years. 2. Maintaining a WPA building and clubhouse that sits on the National Register. 3. Forested trails open to the public. 4. Field that can be used for community events like farmer’s markets or even community softball. 5. Community garden that is fenced and deer-proof. ->Create a new marketing plan that includes: 1. Unified branding and updated logo across all social and online platforms. 2. A more unified marketing outreach and presence across the two Facebook pages, Instagram, Twitter and LinkedIn. 3. Emphasis on marketing all five LIC spaces. 4. Recognition of TLF, the good works they do in the community, the LIC as their founding entity, their tax-deductible status, and loudly communicating scholarships, grants and other good works. 5. Revamped emphasis on community outreach and the creation of LIC liaisons to KPBA, KPCC and other community players, as well as a concerted effort to attend non-LIC community events with a branded LIC event table where appropriate. 6. Procure branded tablecloth, standup banner, popup tent, tabletop holders and branded LIC marketing materials, like pens. 7. Procure updated photos and drone shots of the five spaces for marketing purposes – also to be gathered during events at those spaces. 8. Creation of marketing committee that reports to the board and is in charge of creating and maintaining our unified communications.

Build and strengthen the LIC’s operational model for all 5 spaces.
GOAL FOUR ACTIONS: ->Create smooth transitions in yearly leadership without scrambling for board officers to run for elected positions. ->Establish the nominating committee as year-round. They should also judge board candidates by additional criteria: are they regarded well by the community and seen as good citizens? ->Perform LIC-paid background checks annually on all prospective board members in late May/early June as well as any board members who have not performed a background check. ->Establish a July new-training program or half-day retreat for new board officers to learn about their positions from both their fellow board members and the previous officers who held their positions. ->Establish a G-Drive account and begin the migration of all LIC board materials to the cloud.

Build an environment where LIC members feel happy, engaged and part of something important, where they are happy to volunteer and we make it easy to join our club.
GOAL FIVE ACTIONS: ->Maintain longstanding traditions (Sunshine Lady, free member memorial services, etc.) ->Continue TGIF, Thirsty Thursday, Opening Day and other members-only events and establish at least two more events like this that occur on a regular basis (included in Goal 1 as well). ->Create a thriving, larger calendar of events focused on more of the LIC’s spaces that appeals to a wide variety of community members. ->Create member spotlights in the newsletter with a changing criterion of who gets spotlighted (i.e. the longest-serving member, the newest member, the most active member and volunteer, the member who lives furthest/ closest). ->Pursue the expansion of full LIC membership to three key zipcodes – 98351, 98349 and 98394 – to provide broader benefits to more KP residents, and bring about more volunteerism and board candidates for the LIC. ->Maintain regular posts and updates on all channels – including the website, newsletter and all social media channels – with an emphasis on what we’re doing and pictures or videos of our events. ->Create an email list of monthly volunteer opportunities with email, phone contacts and links for how to sign up. ->Update and revamp the website to a new provider so changes and calendaring can be done more easily and media, such as photos and videos, can be easily posted. ->Better usage of the Neon CRM program to engage new members and activate current members. ->Create targeted new member events to have them engage with more senior members within weeks of joining (for instance an invite to Thirsty Thursday where we perhaps give them a spare baseball cap and let them know all about the LIC). Consider creating a Hospitality Chair to effort this. ->Create the ability to join the LIC online on all platforms and via mobile. Make this both easy and a priority at LIC events.